viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018


Since we are near to christimas, today I'm gonna talk about this celebration :P

First of all, I'd like to say that this is probably one of my favorites holidays in the year together with the new year, and the summer, obviously.
I don't consider myself a christian person, so for my this celebration doesn't have a religious meaning, and my family keeps celebrating it because it is more like a cultural thing, but it doesn't mean that it is not beautiful and funny... but when I was like... ten years old, we used to be a more religious family, and we used to celebrate this day with the present image of Jesus in it, and I remember that right before the christmas dinner, every year one different family member had to say a prayer... and I remember being really embarrassaed doing it.

Anyway, I like this celebration not because of the presents; I like this day because we spend time in family while we are listening to christmas carols and eating delicious food... how not to enjoy that haha, but when I was younger I obviously enjoy the presents.
Another thing that I really like about this day is that  the people take it very seriously, someting like they completely decorate their houses with a lot of lights, reindeers and other animals, christmas trees, and others, and I like a lot to see that because it is so beautiful and the ornaments they sell are very cute.

And to finish, I hope you all have a nice Christmas, have a beautiful day with the people you love , and If you don't celebrate this day, just have a nice free day :)

  Resultado de imagen para perritos navideños

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Something I do to keep fit

Hi :), today I'm gonna write about something that I do to keep fit

First of all, I'm not a person who practice sports or any kind of healthy activity... something like in my whole life I have played football one or two times... so what I'm gonna talk about now is something that I have started to do this year, a few months ago, and that thing is Yoga,  and I practice it here, at the university.

When I saw the yoga class in the list I feel curious about it because I didn't know anything about it and I didn't know anyone who practice it, so I took the class and I think it was a really good decision. At the beginning it was a little bit difficult and tiring because you need to breath correctly while you activate your muscles and stretchs your body, and obviously after that my entire body hurts... but after a few classes I started to enjoy it a lot.
I like it a lot because, at least in this class, you need to see your body as your house; you have to connect your mind with your body, and you have to do all the yoga positions (or ''asanas'' as they are known) with concentration and determination, because they are things that your body can do naturally, but you can't do because a lot of reasons that i'm not gonna discribe now, because that is another topic.

I practice yoga at the university twice a week, and when I have time, I do it in my house. I'm trying to practice it every day, at least the main five positions or ''rites'', because, like any other practice, you have to be constant to get results.
Now, after two months, I have started to notice effects in my body, effects like my back doesn't hurts any more, I sleep more deeply and I feel less tired... apart of that right now I can do a lot of new positions and my body can stretch a lot more.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

A good friend

Hi ;), today I'm gonna talk about a good friend.
His name is Rafael and I first met him in my second school, when we were 13 or 14 years old (we have the same age), I don't remember. I entered that school late, when everyone were became friends, so for me it was a lot harder to make friends and talk to the people.
After a couple of weeks I started to talk with a group where Rafael was part of, and slowly we were becoming friends because we liked the same things and listen to the same music.
When I started talking with Rafael and the other guys was a little difficult because they all, in that time, were part of the scout group of the school, so that was the only thing that they talked about all days, but through the years, they stoped talking about that haha, and Rafael and the other guys in the group became my closer friends and until now we keep in touch and do things together.
The most that I like about Rafael is that he is a very simple person and he like the same things as me; When I go to his house we play videogames together all day, and we play with his dogs too, and when we are not together, we talk via Skype and play online games in the computer. Obviously we go to watch movies, or walk in the park together too, but we prefer to stay at home.
Today, I consider him like a brother because we know each other too much, and although we don't see each other too much because of the university, we keep talking and visiting each other whenever we can.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

An artist that I like

First of all, since when I was young I had liked to read manga and watch anime series so my tastes has been always related to that kind of stuff.
The artist that I'm gonna talk about today is ''Laura Anunnaki'', she is a tattoo artist and she is from México. I discovered her via Instagram; I like to follow any type of artist in that app, so eventually I had found her in the searching pannel, in the recomendation section. When I saw her work I liked it immediately because it is just too beautiful and cute, and very well executed, the draw line in her tattoos and the colouring process are just too good. She describes her tattoo style as glittery and magical, wich is a perfect way to describe it.
I like her work too because when the people think about tattoos, they see them as a bad thing or something related to a manly concept, but her work is completely the opposite; it is cute, magical and ''girly'', however, she is like an elite in the discipline, showing that women can do this kind of things too. A lot of people follow her work too hoping that they can get a unique piece of her art (unique because she don't do the same tattoo twice).

And to finish, here is an example of her work :0


viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Something i want to learn

Hi :o

Today I'm gonna talk about something that I want to learn.

Music has been something that I've always like, but since I was 15 years old, the instrumental music and the classical music have been one of my favorites. The melodies that I like the most are the piano and the violin ones, so since that I've wanted to learn how to play those two instruments. I think that learning how to play those instruments should be very difficult because, at least in the piano, you need to move your hands and fingers in two differents rhythms, and with the violin you need to use the bow; that long stick with the hair that allows you to make the sounds, but at the same time sounds very interesting and funny the idea of knowing how to play the piano and the violin because I imagine myself walking in the street and suddenly appears a street piano and I sit down and start to play something that I like and the people near comes to hear what I'm playing and they applaud me. And the same for the violin, the idea of having that little secret with you sound amazing.

Related to this, if in the future I already know how to play one of these instruments, or maybe another like the guitar or the bass, I will like to make my own music, but for that I need to learn how to use different programs for record what I'm playing, and know about editing process, etc.
Maybe what I really want to learn behind all of these, is learn deeply about the music process; for me, the music concept is more deep than a couple of sounds that you could like or not, the music can do amazing things in you, like touch your emotions for example.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018


Hi :0

Today I'm gonna talk about something that passionate me, and that thing is videogames. In general, videogames are known by most of the people; they have at least a little idea of what they are, so I'm gonna refer to them more deeply than the common known.
The videogames have been part of my life since I was really young, and I grow up with them, so I have a big respect for them. Obviously, when I was ten years old or maybe younger I used to play videogames just for fun or because they where cool, but it wasn't until my adolescense that I realized how beautiful they can be.
I like the fact that you can get emotional for playing a videogame; they have different characters that you feel represented with because they have a story behind maybe similar to yours, or it tells you a story that absorbs you, and not just with words, but also with sounds or music, . All these facts and others are the reason that I see them as a piece of art. 
My all time favorite videogame is an old japanese one, it is for the Play Station one, and it name is ''Klonoa: door to phantomile'' , and it exemplify perfectly what I want to say: It is a soft childish adventure story about two friends who have to save the land from darkness, but with a really sad and tragic background that surrounds the game, who for a child is impossible to realize.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Fiestas Patrias

Hi, and welcome back to this amazing friday blog. I thought that I wouldn't use this blog again, but here we are again :)

Today I'm gonna talk about my week off for Fiestas Patrias.
I'm not really used to travel for these holidays, so I spend those days visiting my whole family because they invite us (my parents and I) to have lunch at their houses. In these free days, people cook meat on the grill and makes barbecues, and I really like to visit my family because all my aunts and uncles cook really good, and I really like eating meat, however, I don't like the taste of the empanada de pino, even though it has meat.
Other thing that I did in those days is went to a fonda in the Estadio Nacional, there was a lot of food and drinks, and of course, a lot of people enjoying the day. I went whit my close friends so it was really funny, and some of them got drunk for drink too much terremoto, at least one liter of that drink, but we were going to sleep in the house of one of my friends, so it was not too terrible to go back.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

My blogging experience


Today's post is gonna be the last post on this blog (I think) and I'm gonna tell you my experience with blogging.
''Just a cute animals blog'' was my very first blog and when I started writting in it I found it very difficult because I have never write something freely, in english and related to any topic. But at the same time it was very interesting because writting in my blog every friday, through the entire semester, let me practice my english a lot, and now, for me it is very easy and funny tell a story or something that I like or I think.

Since, maybe forever, I have think that reading what other people write is interesting because it allows you to understand how people think or how they view the world, if and when they explain why they have that opinion; I really hate when someone, including my friends, tell me something and they can't or directly doesn't explain why that opinion. Anyway, the point is that I'm a person who like enjoying the beautiful things and I feel this way about this.

To finish this post I'd like to tell you that I don't really enjoy too much writing comments on my classmates blogs just because I forgot about it every time haha.

See you later and I hope you're well :)

viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

A nice walk

I'm not really into long walks, going to a national park or big places like that, maybe because my family doesn't enjoy it too much, my friends either so I don't plan that kind of activities in my free time, but if i'm honest, I like to go anywhere without planning it too much, I really enjoy the little things.

When I was younger I used to go to Algarrobo a lot (I've talked about it in a past blog) and I remember that to arrive at the beach we need to walk a lot carrying things like towels, beach chairs, etc., because at that time we didn't have a car. It sounds exhausting but I really enjoy it because I was with my whole family; my parents, my cousins, my brother, all of them and it was really funny.
Almost all my good memories are from algarrobo; I also remember walking along the shore of the beach with my dad just searching for shells, It was really funny because when we wanted, we swam in the ocean for a little and then we continued walking.

Sometimes I really miss those moments, remember my childhood makes me think about who I am today and maybe I'm kinda boring, I don't do this kind of things so frecuently today and almost every year I stay at home in the vacations, But the last year I went to the beach with my friends and walking almost three kilometers to the beach, laughing and making jokes was really funny too.

lunes, 2 de julio de 2018

Something Interesting

I would like to tell you about something interesting I am doing. I have always liked the food a lot, it's logical, but for some time now I have not only been interested because I like to eat delicious things or because eating is just great (I'm not saying that it is not), but in itself, food reflects so many things about people, whether it is prepared, how it is presented or the way it is eaten, that I would like to give an opportunity to learn to cook. At least once a week I learn a little more about this with the help of my aunt, either in how different ingredients are prepared to cook them, quantities of ingredients, and others, but I would really like to get to prepare food dishes with a touch that only I can give.
The truth is I've always been, to put it in some way, good for everything, but I'm not the best at something, or until now I have not discovered it, so it has taken me a while to learn cooking, I thought it was easier to what it is.

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

My favorite foods

This is a little hard for me because I just love and enjoy almost all the food dishes, I think that enjoying a food dishes with my family or people I love is one of the most beautiful things that exist, whatever the food is.
Talking a little about my gastronomic tastes, I think my favorite salty dish is pasta, but there is a typical Chilean dish that I love and its name is ''Tomaticán''; This one has two ingredients that I like a lot and that are tomato and corn, Eating this hot dish in winter and in family makes it one of the best lunches.
As I said before I like all kinds of food, so desserts are not left behind, I'm still not very familiar with them so I can not mention many but there is a dessert that I like a lot and that is the roasted milk; its sweet taste and texture after a lunch is very cool.
The are other desserts that I like, like the kuchen or the cheesecake, both are very tasty, but the one I usually eat the most is vanilla or chocolate ice cream.